

Friday, January 31, 2014

The results

It's Jan 31 and we had been home for about 2 hours after having the ultrasound done when my phone rings, it's Lilly's pediatricians office calling and the want to see us right away. I set up an appointment for the next day at 10:30 and David arranges to leave work to be able to hear the results with me. We also ask my mother to come along because they want to see our daughter, but if the news is bad I do not want her to hear it so she will wait in the waiting room with grandma. I have to say the call scared me, why did they want to see us so fast, what is wrong with my baby? My husband and I has a very long and stressful night. 

The next day Saturday Feb 1 (yes our pediatrician office is open weekends) we got all ready to go, we dropped off our son Logan with my sister Grace and picked up grandma and off we went to see the doctor!   

The wait to see the doctor was forever and Lilly was so scared that she clung to David and kept asking to go home and please don't let the doctor touch her.
We are called back and the check her temp 99.4, height no change and weight a little loss, blood pressure was good and so was her heart rate. We then get put into another room to wait and see the doctor, we are told it will not be Lilly's regular pediatrician because he doesn't work weekend and I am sad to hear this.

Finally after what seems like forever this cocky doctor walks in with a strong accent that I can only place is he is from India. I start to ask him if he needs to check Lilly out before we talk and before I could finish he cuts me off and just starts man handling Lilly, she is in tears because this stranger who hasn't even introduced himself to her just starts grabbing at her and she asks him to wait she wants I ask a question, he is ignoring her and David has to jump in and say she just wants to know what you are long to do before you do it, so she is prepared and aware. The doctor was so whatever about it and asks his assistant to go get her a Lolly pop, she didn't want the Lolly pop and just wanted to be heard! The asshole doctor was so condensing, didn't answer any of our questions, didn't listen to us trying to tell him what's going on an declaims all she needs is some antibiotics! I explain to him that she has been on antibiotics for 10 days, today was her last does and she has not improved and has been at a temp of 99 the whole time she was taking the meds, he ignored me and basically pushed out of the office after not even explaining her test results, just giving us a copy. 

When we get home my husband and I are so upset about how this all went down that I decided I will take Lilly into see her regular pediatrician this week and go over everything with him. He cares for Lilly and he helps me understand and he was the one who ordered the test so we will get out answers from him.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The back story

Our daughter Lilly is 3 1/2 years old and For the past 6 months our little princes has been sick every month, one month it's strep throat, next its a throat infection, then strep again, then the flu with bronchitis and on and on. She has been on antibiotics every month for six months but never seemed to get better. 

During this time she also became lathargic, she was worn out easy, had a rash on her thigh that just kept spreading and was pale. I didn't concern myself to much about this right away because she was sick on and off and the doctor said the rash was eczema, but then two months ago at the end of December she stared complaining that her finger hurt, I would check it out and see not cuts or bruises and so I would ask her where it hurts and she would point to the joint, I assumed she must have hurt it some how so I kissed it and told her it would go away soon. But every couple of days she would mention the finger pain and then I noticed one day when she was looking up that she had a lump on her neck, the lump was about the size of a quarter and protruded out more then I had ever seen. 

Her daddy David and I were concerned and of course she was getting sick again so the 1st week of January we took her in to see the doctor he checked her out and said that she is sick with strep and that was why the gland was swollen, so we started zpack. 

By Jan 22nd she was back at the doctors, the lump looked larger and she was sick AGAIN! She was given another round of antibiotics this time  and the doctor decided to have a blood test done and also a Ultra sound of her neck. 

On Jan 28th David and I took her in to have the blood test, she was scared but did an amazing job, only cried a little! From the advance of a great friend who went through years of tests and procedures with her daughter, we took our little princess to the toy store and let her Pick out a toy as a reward for doing so well and to crispy cream for a donut!  

On Jan 31 we took her in for her ultrasound, she was in tears and so scared, she didn't want anyone touching her neck and she was sick of doctors! David held her in his arms while the scanned her neck because she refused to lay down and have it done. It took awhile for the woman to get all the images she needed, but we were done and on the way out I asked how long it would be before we got the results, she replied 3 days. So off we went to purchase another toy for a job well done!

As a side note Lilly had been having a temp of 99.1 during the whole time she was on the antibiotics and the lump didn't change, we saw no improvement.