

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A visit with Dr. Waseem

On November 26, 2014 we saw Dr. Waseem. I have to tell you that the night before our visit Lilly wrote a letter to Dr. Waseem, she wouldn't tell us what it said and then she gathered two candies for him and placed them in a little basket to give to him at her visit. 

When we saw him, Lilly let him know she had something for him and gave him his gift and tried to read him the letter she wrote, but forgot what she had written. It was all so very sweet, she really enjoys having him as her doctor. He was so pleased with the letter and gift and gave her a hug and high five! 

When we talked I he explained that he was in contact with Dr. Yu the ENT and that Dr. Yu agreed that Lilly's tonsils needed to be removed and much improvement would happen, but he had concerns about her getting a blood clot or bleeding out and other things due to her condition. So they agreed that Dr. Waseem will do another blood test to cover this issues and more and if all looks good Lilly will be having her tonsils removed before Christmas. I will be honest, the benefits of having this done are huge, but I am scared at the same time. But they are making sure everything will be fine for this to happen, it won't happen if they find one thing off and that's good to know.

Dr. Waseem also let us know that once the surgery is done will will wait a few months and have her checked out again and a new blood draw done and see if there is improvement in her condition.

The High ANA and auto immune disorder won't just disappear because of this surgery, but it might help some of the symptoms she has. 

After that we will be doing 6 month or yearly visits to have her blood draw, they will continue to monitor her ANA levels because one of two things will happen... It will either go away or become full blown into something like lupus or other worse things I don't want to think about.

We are still waiting on the Fever Blood panel results, it might take another month since it's also genetic testing as well. All the other prior blood work and pee test came back normal. That's good!

So that's where we stand at this time, hopeful more answers to come and the GI doc might provide us with other info!

Thanks for following!

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