

Friday, June 13, 2014

Surgery / Neck Biopsy

Ok, so the surgery is all done and over with. I am so happy we are done with that, it was stressful! But we knew we were doing the right thing and we will have answers (I hope)! 

Lilly had no problem going to the hospital.. She was all prepared after our talk and the tour of the hospital. 

We met with Lilly's surgeon Dr. Fiore and he went over all the risks and what he was going to do, he marked Lilly's neck where he wanted to do the biopsy,
Left side was the original lump and he also marked the right side because he felt that side might be an easier access.
He said he would decided once in the OR what side he would cut into and biopsy.

Lilly was taken into surgery with no problems at all, she didn't even cry! She waved to everyone on her ride to the OR.

The surgery didn't take as long as expected, only 1/2 hour. A nurse told us she was all done and then Dr. Fiore came out to talk to us, he said the surgery went great, he chose the right side and when he went in found the lymph nodes were larger and deeper then the ultrasound had shown, he didn't get all of the lump out of the node, but did get a lot.. About the side of a dime (wow big)! 

He said that we should have the results for cancer on Monday or Tuesday and if we don't hear from his office to call on Tuesday. The rest of the results will be a week and some weeks and a month. Glad they are testing everything! 

We were taken back to see Lilly and she hadn't woke up yet, so I walked up to the  bed with David and we gently woke her up, the nurse said I can hold her right away, I was thrilled and Lilly was happy! She woke up with no problems at all, drank some water and then had and ice pop and rested with mommy. Daddy informed everyone all went well! She has a sore throat from the tube down her throat to keep her airway open, but otherwise she is feeling good, just worn out.

After about an hour they said she can go home. They gave us discharge paperwork and a prescription for Tylenol with Loratab for pain. 

We are all home now and Lilly is resting, she checked out her surprise new toys that Logan and daddy picked up for her (money for toys was from a donor, who specifically asked it be spent on toys for recovery). She loved the new toys, but is to worn out to play, so cuddling and resting is the plan for the day.

Thank you all for following along, welcome to all our new followers! Thanks to everyone for your encouraging words, prayers, positive thoughts and postulates for Lilly!! 

I will update you again tomorrow and let you know how Lilly is doing on her recovery!

Driving to the Hospital

All Dress and Ready

Little Cuddle time with Daddy

Kisses from Daddy

In the Playroom, it was fun to play while we wait for her to go into surgery

Playing with building blocks

Doctor marked her neck on where he would operate, left or right side was to be decided in the OR

Time to head in to Surgery

Lilly waking up from surgery, they taped her eyes closed during surgery so she had a lot of red marks on her face because her skin is so sensitive.

My beautiful girl did so great!!

Here is the the right side of her neck where they operated and did the biopsy

Lilly having an ice pop


  1. I just read your story and my heart goes out to your family. The situation you are in sounds almost identical to mine. My princess started with the same symptoms at 3. She is 8 now. It turned out to be lupus. Before she was diagnosed I realized her knees didnt hurt as often on days she wore sunscreen. (I know that sounds crazy so I considered it a coincidence.) Turns out her biggest flare trigger is uv light. Schools, hospitals, stores etc all produce uv lights. After ages of "Whats a matter with my baby" to a scary diagnosis I feel VERY lucky and blessed that 90% of the time sunscreen cant prevent all her pain, fevers, and system breaks. I pray you guys will find something just as unbelievably odd for your princess too. Afterall every princess should be stomping around in plastic shoes and twirling until they are dizzy to stand. :)

    1. Thank you so much for contacting me and for Following Lilly's blog. I am so sorry your daughter was diagnosed with Lupus, how long did it take the Doctors to finally figure it out? That is great that you found a way to protect her with sunscreen!! I am going to ask the Doc if he has tested her for Lupus yet, we have had so many test I cant remember what she has and hasnt been tested for. Thank you for your prayers! I too hope we get an answer soon and she will be back to being a healthy, full of energy 3 year old!!
